The Ultimate Guide to Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

One of the things that make bunions so annoying is that they slowly creep up on you. They take years to form, and at first, you don’t experience any discomfort. Your big toe, in particular, becomes more pronounced and starts leaning inwards. At one point, the pain becomes too much that it starts causing hindrances as you walk. Bunions are most common in women, and one of their major causes is wearing ill-fitting shoes. Surprisingly, a study revealed that around 88% of women wore shoes that didn’t fit. If you’re experiencing discomfort due to bunions, below is an ultimate guide for minimally invasive bunion surgery. 

What is Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery?

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is sometimes referred to as keyhole bunion surgery and is used to treat bunion deformities. During traditional bunion surgery, the surgeon makes large incisions that cut across the tissue surrounding the bone. This results in a large scar, causes a lot of pain, and may sometimes damage the surrounding tissues. 

Non-invasive bunion surgery, on the other hand, involves making a few small incisions around the bunion to access the bone. It only leaves a tiny scar and causes less trauma to the surrounding tissues. This procedure mainly aims at realigning the toe joint to correct the bunion and relieve you of the pain with minimal complications. 

Are You a Good Candidate for Non-Invasive Bunion Surgery?

You’re probably wondering, ‘Do I need bunion surgery?’

Well, you should consider this treatment option if you start showing the following signs;

  • The big toe starts looking deformed and leans towards the smaller ones.
  • Lack of pain relief from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Severe pain still persists even after you change footwear.
  • The big toe starts becoming stiff, and you’re unable to bend or straighten it. 
  • Severe pain that’s hindering your daily activities and your ability to walk.
  • Severe inflammation of the big toe and swelling that doesn’t go down even with sufficient rest and medication. 
  • Overlapping of toes.

If you also have other toe deformities or have tried alternative surgical options without much success, it may be time to consider this treatment option. The beauty of this type of bunion treatment is that it cuts across all age groups. 

A Quick Care and Preparation Guide for Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Here’s everything you need to know as you prepare for non-invasive bunion surgery:

Preparation for the Surgery

Your doctor should conduct a thorough medical examination to make sure you’re a great candidate for the procedure. They check for chronic illnesses or any condition that may interfere with the surgery. 

If you have any serious medical condition, they may ask for a medical clearance from your regular doctor. You also have to undergo various tests to check for abnormalities and a foot x-ray to help with the surgery. 

Some of the ways you can help during this process include;

  • Letting the doctor know of any allergies or conditions you have.
  • Be forthcoming about the current medication you’re on.
  • Refraining from eating or taking drinks at least 8 hours before the bunion surgery.
  • Refraining from smoking as it increases your risk of complications. 

You should also arrange for a friend or relative to drive you home after the procedure. 

During the Procedure

Non-invasive bunion surgery is an outpatient procedure and uses local anesthesia that only numbs the foot. This means that you’ll be awake during the surgery but won’t feel any pain.

At first, the doctor uses an antiseptic solution to sterilize the surgical area. They then use specialized equipment to make small incisions around the bunion to access the bone.

Once the keyhole incisions are made, they insert a specialized instrument to cut off the bone growth. This ultimately releases the soft tissue surrounding the bunion, allowing your toe joint to realign. 

Depending on how severe your bunion is, the surgeon may remove some parts of the affected foot’s tendons and soft tissue. They then close the incision and apply a sterile dressing. 

You’ll only need one or 2 stitches for this surgical procedure. And since only small incisions are made, there is minimal disruption of the surrounding tissues which means that you’ll experience less pain. 

Post-Operative Care

After the procedure, the surgeon will take you to the recovery area, where they’ll monitor your vital signs. If everything is as it should be, you’ll be discharged with the following post-recovery instructions;

  • Walk frequently to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Use ice packs on the surgical sites to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Keep your foot elevated for a few days after the surgery.
  • Eat foods rich in Vitamin C and D as they enhance bone healing.
  • If you wear shoes, consider using insoles or orthotics.
  • Avoid bearing too much weight until your foot is healed.
  • Take at least 6 weeks before resuming normal activities and if you’re an athlete, refrain from an exercise until after 10 weeks.

At first, you may need a soft dressing to protect your foot, but not for long. Your doctor will also prescribe pain relief medications and provide you with post-surgical instructions on bathing and driving. Depending on how severe your bunions are, you may need to go for physical therapy to strengthen your foot muscles. 

Make sure you adhere to any follow-up appointments as this is the only way the doctor can monitor your healing progress and address any complications that may occur. 

How Long is Recovery from Bunion Surgery?

Within 4 weeks, you’ll be able to regain your motion range, and after 4 months, you’ll be fully recovered. You won’t experience any pain or swelling and can perform athletic activities. 

What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery?

The main benefits of non-invasive bunion surgery include;

  • Less pain and swelling as the surrounding tissues are barely impacted.
  • Less scar tissue around the surgical site.
  • Faster healing time. Within 3-4 months, you should experience a full recovery.
  • The tissues surrounding the big toe are not affected, so you’ll experience minimal stiffness.

You’re also able to get back to normal activities after a short time and can transition into shoes after around 8 weeks. 

Say Yes to Happy Feet With Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery!

Bunions can be very uncomfortable, especially when left untreated for long periods of time. If you’ve tried all other bunion treatment procedures, but nothing seems to be working, you should try out minimally invasive bunion surgery. It is less painful, has a faster recovery time, and doesn’t impact the surrounding tissues. Simply search for  “Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery Near Me” for recommendations on the best foot doctors in your area. 

If you’re dealing with stubborn bunions and are looking for an expert foot doctor, contact Dr. Frankel today for professional advice.

Visit Frankel Foot and Ankle for Your Bunion today.

Dr. Frankel founded Frankel Foot & Ankle to provide patients in the Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey tri-state area with the latest advances in diagnostic technology and treatment for sports medicine conditions, foot and ankle trauma response, and innovative surgical and regenerative approaches. Contact Frankel Foot & Ankle today. With offices in Middletown, NY, Warwick, NY, and Milford, PA we are the go-to podiatrist near you!