Frankel FastStep Bunion: Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction

Return to the activities you love without fear of bunion recurrence with the Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction procedure.

After traditional bunion surgery, one in three patients is dissatisfied with the procedure, and there is a high rate of bunion recurrence. Thankfully, there is an alternative to the pain and long recovery time from traditional bunion surgery.

The Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction™ is an innovative technique for fixing bunions. By providing a three-dimensional solution for bunions, Lapiplasty secures the unstable joint that causes bunions and returns the foot to normal alignment.

With specialized alignment tools and titanium plates, Lapiplasty will get rid of your bunion pain and allow you to return to your favorite activities in less time than traditional bunion surgery.

Learn more about the Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction below!

What is Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction?

Lapiplasty is a revolutionary bunion treatment used by Dr. Frankel to heal patients with painful and bothersome bunions. With the use of specialized instrumentation and low-profile titanium plates, bunion correction is done right the first time by correcting bone anatomy in three dimensions.

The Align Lapiplasty Precision Guide returns the bones to alignment by altering the position and rotation of the metatarsal bone.

Once the bones are aligned to anatomical normality, the unstable joint surfaces are removed. This enables the bones to be fused together using the Lapiplasty Compressor.

Finally, the joint is secured using titanium plates. Two plates are implemented to ensure the joint is secured from both sides, preventing bunion recurrence.

Source: Treace

Why does Lapiplasty work so well?

Bunions are 12 times as likely to recur if the three-dimensional problem is not addressed. Lapiplasty prevents bunion recurrence. 

By using a 3D solution, Lapiplasty secures the joint from becoming deformed again, allowing patients to live free from bunions and follow-up surgeries.

Here are the three ways in which bunions change the anatomy of the foot:

  1. The metatarsal bone deviates from anatomical normality, causing it to push outwards away from the foot, creating the bunion “bump.”
  2. The bone will shift upwards, placing a heavy load on the other toes and causing pain in the ball of the foot. This could potentially lead to hammertoes.
  3. The metatarsal bone also rotates out of alignment. This exposes the big toe to unnecessary wear and tear.

Lapiplasty solves all three dimensions by returning the foot to anatomical normality and preventing the joint from shifting again.

How does Lapiplasty compare to traditional bunion surgery?

Traditional bunion surgery focuses on appearance rather than alignment and functionality. 

  • Instead of aligning the bones of the foot and toes and ensuring that the bunion does not return, traditional bunion surgery simply shaves off the protruding bone on the side of the foot and ignores the unstable joint on the metatarsal bone. 
  • It may appear that the bunion has been fixed from the outside, but the bones of the foot are still out of alignment and susceptible to further damage. 
  • Traditional bunion surgery is traumatic to the tissues and bones in the surrounding area, so the recovery time is lengthy. 
  • A cast is necessary for up to six weeks after surgery, and total healing time takes about six months
  • Large scars are likely since the surgery is invasive and requires heavy stitching post-operation.
  • Since traditional bunion surgery doesn’t fix the problem, post-surgery pain is common due to the misalignment of the foot and toes. This makes it difficult to do the activities you love and may require you to return for another round of surgery.

Lapiplasty defies tradition by getting to the root of bunions. 

  • Rather than shaving off the bunion so that the foot appears to be normal, Lapiplasty adjusts the bones of the foot and returns them to anatomical normality while securing the joint to prevent bunion recurrence.
  • The recovery time after a Lapiplasty procedure is shorter than traditional bunion surgery. You can walk within days after the procedure, and instead of a heavy, cumbersome cast, a surgical boot is worn for up to six weeks after surgery. 
  • You can wear your favorite shoes six to eight weeks sooner with a Lapiplasty procedure.
  • After four months, you are able to return to sports and other high impact activities without pain. There’s no need for more surgery since the bunion has been permanently corrected, allowing you to live life pain-free.

Clearly, Lapiplasty is the preferred treatment for patients with bunion pain. It is a permanent solution to prevent bunion recurrence and shortens the recovery time compared to traditional bunion surgery.

Look toward a future without bunion recurrence.

You don’t have to miss out on your favorite activities or throw away your best shoes because of bunion pain! With the Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction procedure, you can live life without fear of bunion recurrence.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for a consultation on Lapiplasty, contact Frankel Foot and Ankle today. Don’t settle because of bunion pain; look toward a brighter future without bunion recurrence.

Visit Frankel Foot and Ankle for revolutionary bunion treatment today.

Dr. Frankel founded Frankel Foot & Ankle to provide patients in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey tri-state area with the latest advances in diagnostic technology and treatment for sports medicine conditions, foot and ankle trauma response and innovative surgical and regenerative approaches. Contact Frankel Foot & Ankle today.
