When Should You Visit a Podiatrist?

Like all body parts, our feet and ankles deserve medical attention whenever an issue arises. Most people dismiss ankle and foot pain and infections as fleeting problems. If you experience any ankle and foot discomfort, make sure to pay a visit to Dr. Marc Frankel. He is a qualified podiatrist with over 20 years of experience serving the residents of Warwick, NY, Middletown, NY, and Milford, PA.

Underlying Health Conditions That Trigger Foot Problems

Certain health conditions may trigger foot issues in some people. They can cause complications no matter how well we care for our feet. Keeping the body healthy is the only solution to avoiding such conditions. They include:


Diabetes is characterized by the body’s inability to process insulin effectively. The condition is manageable through medication and following a strict diet. 

This chronic disease may lead to diabetic neuropathy as a result of poor blood circulation. The condition may cause blisters to become serious foot infections. The blisters may take days to heal.

Diabetic neuropathy may lead to nerve damage if the nerves don’t get enough oxygen. High levels of blood sugar cause poor blood circulation. Feet are likely to be affected because they are farthest from the heart. 

If you have diabetes, regular visits to a podiatrist are a must. Proper care of your feet and legs is critical to managing the disease. The visits may prevent serious health complications like non healing wounds and the loss of your toes.


This condition arises when the blood vessels thicken and harden. The hardening of arteries affects blood flow and the transportation of oxygen and nutrients. Some body parts far from the heart may not get the vital nutrients.

Arteriosclerosis may lead to peripheral artery disease (PAD). Poor blood circulation in the legs results in injury to the nerves and leg tissues. The symptoms include foot pain, cramping, and loss of temperature sensitivity in your feet. Walking for short distances feels difficult and tiring.

Attention to early symptoms of inadequate blood flow, such as chest pain, may help detect the condition. When you start to experience leg pain or numbness, contact your podiatrist. They can stop atherosclerosis from worsening. Early diagnosis may prevent a heart attack and other medical emergencies. 

Morton’s Neuroma

Many people don’t realize they have this condition. It is caused by the thickening of the tissue surrounding the nerves that lead to your toes. Symptoms may include sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. You may also experience numbness in the affected toes.

Wearing high-heeled and tight shoes causes the condition. Switching to lower-heeled and roomier shoes may reduce the pain in the affected foot. See your podiatrist if the burning pain in the ball of your foot doesn’t improve.

Signs You Need To Visit a Podiatrist

Many people put off seeing the doctor when they have foot problems. The following symptoms need a podiatrist’s attention:

Foot Infections

Fungal infection between toes is a sign of athlete’s foot. The condition makes the skin between your toes look scaly and feel itchy. Infections can also affect toenails. The toenails may become dark in color or come off. 

Most of the time, over-the-counter antifungal cream cures the infection. You may need a podiatrist’s help if the infection doesn’t disappear. 

Painful Bunions and Hammertoes

These are problems that affect the bones in your feet. Bunions affect the joint at the base of your big toe. It may get bigger and bend towards the other toes. 

A hammertoe causes your toe to curl downwards instead of pointing forward. It is caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or pointed to fit your toes. The ligaments and tendons tighten up, causing pain in the toe.

Podiatrists recommend bunionectomy in the treatment of bunions. It involves removing swollen tissue or bone from the affected joint. In cases of severe hammertoe, surgery is the only option to reposition the toe. 

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of your nails grow into the skin covering the nail. This condition affects the big toe. It is common in people with sweaty feet, such as teenagers. Aging people are also prone to ingrown nails. Aging toenails thicken and curl. 

Ingrown toenails may cause the skin to redden and swell. In some cases, bleeding and oozing of pus are evident. 

Partial nail removal is necessary to remove the piece of nail that is digging into your skin. The procedure prevents future ingrown toenails and toe infections.


Gout causes swelling and pain in the joints of your foot. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid, which usually affects the feet. You may feel sudden and intense pain in the affected foot during gout attacks. The sensation is like having your foot lit on fire.

Metabolism disorders and dehydration may cause your body to produce excess uric acid. Some home remedies help lower the uric acid level and prevent gout attacks. They involve consuming the following foods and drinks:

  • Ginger
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Celery
  • Dandelion
  • Nettle tea

Avoiding certain foods and a little lifestyle change may also lower the effects of gout. To lower uric acid levels, you should avoid:

  • Red meat
  • Organ meat
  • Alcohol
  • Certain kinds of seafood

Sticking to the above tips alone may not cure gout. If untreated by a podiatrist, it may lead to a severe form of arthritis. Medication is prescribed to prevent both pain and gout attacks. After years of fighting gout, hard deposits called tophi may form in the joints. The buildup of tophi can permanently damage your joints. 

Surgery is necessary to remove the tophi or replace the affected joints. 

Pain in The Foot and Ankle

Sprained ligaments and broken bones need medical attention. If you have persistent pain in the foot and ankles, it may be a sign of damage to the joints or ligaments. A podiatrist needs to determine the root cause of the pain. They may perform an exam and take x-rays before coming up with a solution.

If you are looking for a podiatrist in either Middleton, NY, Warwick, NY, or Milford, PA, you should contact Frankel Foot & Ankle. We specialize in bunion correction, total ankle replacements, and sports medicine solutions. Visit us to learn more.