How to Permanently Treat Toenail Fungus

How to Permanently Treat Toenail Fungus

Nail fungus can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Dr. Frankel offers a safe and pain-free method to treat this condition to encourage healthy and clear nail growth.

If you have discolored, deformed, and brittle toenails, you probably have toenail fungus. Seeking treatment to heal this condition is necessary to prevent it from spreading.

Other podiatrists might offer you oral medications that can cause liver damage or topical treatments and debridement that may not guarantee healthy nail growth.

Dr. Frankel provides his patients with a pain-free laser therapy treatment that has a high success rate in comparison to other nail fungus treatment methods.

If you are looking for the right treatment to heal your nail fungus, read more about Dr. Frankel’s laser therapy below.

Toenail Fungus

What causes toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is caused by an organism that grows in warm, moist environments. It is commonly a result of athlete’s foot, which is an infection in the skin that starts under the nail fold and develops underneath the nail.

The infection can spread to other toenails and even the fingernails without treatment. Other bacterial or yeast infections may also grow alongside nail fungus in or around the nail.

These warm, moist environments are created when the feet and nails are open and vulnerable to damp areas. For example, walking barefoot around swimming pools, showers, locker rooms, or water parks leaves the nails susceptible to infection.

Fungi and infections can easily enter when open wounds, injuries to the nail, and pressure from tight shoes are present. Also, people with certain chronic diseases such as diabetes or immune-compromising conditions have an increased risk of infection.

Types of fungi

There are three types of fungi that can infect the toenails:

  • Yeast: Yeast infections are typically white in color and usually occur in children with immune-compromising conditions.
  • Mold: A mold infection is brown and causes inflamed nail folds.
  • Dermatophyte: This infection is yellow in color and can infect the nails, skin, and hair.

These infections can become unsightly and uncomfortable without treatment.


If you are wondering if you have an infection from toenail fungus, compare your symptoms to this list:

  • Change in nail color
  • Darkening and thickening of the nail bed
  • Brittle and crumbling nails
  • Foul odor
  • Nail shape distortion
  • Loss of the nail
  • Spread of infection to other nails

In most cases, toenail fungus is painless. Because of that, patients may ignore the condition and hide their nails as opposed to seeking treatment. This is especially dangerous for patients with diabetes, circulatory issues, or immune-compromising conditions.

Don’t feel like you need to hide your feet due to nail fungus! Visit Dr. Frankel to treat your nails and you can return to wearing your favorite slippers and sandals.

How to treat toenail fungus

If you notice any of the symptoms above, call Frankel Foot & Ankle. While the internet may suggest home treatments for less severe cases of nail fungus, you can potentially make the problem worse with improper treatment.

Dr. Frankel will observe the color and condition of your nail. To determine the type of infection, a lab test will be performed so Dr. Frankel can provide the correct treatment for you.

In other podiatrists’ offices, you may be prescribed topical or oral medication or debridement, in which the infected parts of the nail are removed. However, these treatments do not guarantee that the infection will not return and the oral medications have been known to cause liver damage.

Revolutionary nail fungus laser therapy has an 80% success rate

Instead of medications or debridement, Dr. Frankel offers a laser therapy treatment with an 80% success rate at permanently treating nail fungus. It’s painless and performed in-office with three 10-minute procedures every four weeks. For some patients, additional treatments may be required.

The laser therapy method uses safe light energy that kills the fungus while protecting the surrounding nail, allowing new, healthy nail to grow back in its place.

For strong and beautiful nails, call Frankel Foot & Ankle to treat your nail fungus.

8 tips to prevent nail fungus

Nail fungus is opportunistic, so use preventative methods to avoid nail infections.

The best ways to prevent toenail fungus are to:

  • Wear socks that prevent moisture from accumulating. Synthetic fibers are best, and 100% cotton and wool socks should be avoided.
  • Treat and bandage any open wounds on the feet and toes.
  • Wear shoes in public showers and around swimming pools.
  • Disinfect any tools used on the nails, such as trimmers.
  • Clip toenails straight across to avoid ingrown nails that allow nail fungus to enter.
  • Wash your feet with warm water and soap daily, and dry thoroughly, especially between the toes.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that allow adequate airflow.
  • Treat athlete’s foot as soon as possible.

By practicing these tips, you can protect your feet from nail fungus and keep your nails looking clear, healthy, and strong.

Heal unsightly nail fungus at Frankel Foot & Ankle.

Nail fungus doesn’t have to keep your feet hidden away! Prevent fungus from spreading and wear your favorite open-toed shoes with confidence by receiving Dr. Frankel’s innovative laser therapy.

Contact Frankel Foot & Ankle to heal your toenail fungus today.

Frankel Foot & Ankle is here to treat your foot and ankle conditions.

Dr. Frankel founded Frankel Foot & Ankle to provide patients in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey tri-state area with the latest advances in diagnostic technology and treatment for sports medicine conditions, foot and ankle trauma response, and innovative surgical and regenerative approaches. Contact Frankel Foot & Ankle today.