How to Treat Your Chronic Tendon Pain without Surgery

treat chronic tendon pain without surgery

Chronic tendon pain affects daily activities and may worsen over time. With Tenex, patients can experience relief from foot tendonitis without surgery. Do you have difficulty walking, running, or playing sports due to foot and ankle tendon pain? Have you tried conservative treatment options and still cannot find relief from Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis? […]

Treating Heel Pain (That Isn’t Plantar Fasciitis)

heel nerve entrapment

Heel pain is a typical symptom of several conditions, including the common but less well-known heel nerve entrapment. Heel pain can make it difficult to do the activities you love. If you do a simple Google search for your conditions, you may be convinced that you have plantar fasciitis. However, you may have another common […]

Pain After Sprains: Osteochondral Lesions

osteochondral lesion pain

Osteochondral lesions are tears in ankle cartilage caused by trauma to the joint. If you’ve recovered from an ankle sprain or fracture and still feel pain in the joint, you may have an osteochondral lesion. Osteochondral lesions often go undiscovered during an evaluation for ankle trauma since they develop over time. They can be painful […]

What is Sesamoiditis?

The sesamoids are small bones in the ball of the foot that are susceptible to injury caused by overuse and increased pressure on the big toe joint. If you notice pain around your big toe and the ball of your foot that comes and goes, then you may have sesamoiditis. This condition is treated with […]

A Revolutionary Solution to Chronic Ankle Instability

internalbrace for ankle stability

Chronic ankle instability is a painful and potentially dangerous condition that perpetuates without treatment. The InternalBrace procedure reverses instability and strengthens the ankle over time. If you have experienced an ankle sprain, then you know that it is a painful stretching or tearing of the ligaments in the ankle that leave you unable to walk […]

What You Should Know About Foot Arthritis Surgery

improved mobility from arthritis surgery

With surgery, patients who suffer from advanced foot and ankle arthritis can find freedom from pain and immobility. Osteoarthritis of the feet and ankles is a condition that causes swelling of the feet, inflamed tissues, pain, and a loss of mobility. It can be developed due to:  Wear-and-tear of cartilage in the joint Injury Flat […]

Heal Tendon Injuries Naturally with PRP

treatment of the achilles tendon using regenerative medicine

Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, is a method of regenerative medicine that uses elements from a patient’s own blood to naturally heal foot and ankle conditions. Tendon injuries can be painful and a nuisance to daily life. They can make it difficult to walk, exercise, or even stand. With regenerative medicine, treating tendon injuries is […]

Taking Care of Calluses and Corns

dancer feet

Calluses and corns can be a nuisance at best, but for some people, they can also turn into serious complications without treatment. Knowing the signs of calluses and corns and receiving appropriate treatment can be a lifesaver. If you have ever raked the yard without gloves, then you have probably experienced a callus on your […]

How to Have Proper Posture (Including Your Feet!)

good posture starts with proper foot alignment and balance

Foot alignment and gait correction are necessary to maintain good posture and overall well-being. You may not consider your feet to be an important part of your posture, but they are inseparably linked to the shape of your spine and the position of your body. That’s why paying attention to your feet while going about […]